Bugbrooke Community Primary School

Equality Objectives

Over recent years, schools have (in line with other institutions and public bodies) been working towards an improved understanding of the diverse nature of their communities, and recognising their role in promoting an understanding of equality for different groups of people. Much of this work is in response to legislation that places an increased duty on schools and other settings, but it also sits within the specific context of a school’s role in providing learning and opportunities for all - it is about fairness, rights and justice.

Equality legislation exists to protect people but also to try and advance equality. Inequality still persists in the UK despite 40 years of equality legislation. The recognition of diversity and promotion of inclusive and equality practices will help to overcome this disparity.


Teaching of the protected characteristics

It is important that all children gain an understanding of the world they are growing up in, and learn how to live alongside, and show respect for, a diverse range of people. 

The Equality Act 2010, identifies the ‘protected characteristics’ as:

  • age

  • disability

  • gender reassignment

  • pregnancy and maternity

  • race

  • religion or belief

  • sex

  • sexual orientation

At Bugbrooke Community Primary School, we pride ourselves on having a well-considered approach to the teaching of the protected characteristics, in order to:

  • eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation

  • advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it

  • foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it


Please read our Equality Policy for more information. This includes how we aim to meet our Equality Objectives.