We would like all our children to wear school uniform as we believe that this plays a significant part in helping the school to attain the highest standards of behaviour and achievement.
Wearing a uniform helps children to feel part of the school; wearing the same clothes promotes a sense of belonging and shared aims and goals. If children dress the same, it reinforces the idea that we are a community.
Jewellery, except stud earrings and watches, should not be worn to school. We also ask that smart watches are not brought into/worn to school.
We expect all children to wear:
- black/grey trousers, dress or skirt
- a white polo shirt (this can be plain or with a school logo)
- A purple school sweatshirt or cardigan –These can be purchased from school via School Money. A plain purple jumper or cardigan will also be accepted.
- In the warmer months, children can also wear purple and white gingham summer outfits.
- Grey, black or white socks or tights.
- Black sensible school shoes.
For PE lessons, we expect that all children have the following:
- Plain black PE shorts
- White t-shirt or a plain t-shirt in the colour of the child's house. These t-shirts can be purchase via School Money with a logo, or a plain t-shirt without a logo is also accepted.
- For the cooler months, we ask children to also bring plain black or navy tracksuit bottoms and a plain black or navy hoodie or jumper that can be worn outside.
- Trainers will also be needed for outdoor PE lessons.
At the school, we have many pre-loved items of clothing that can be purchased for a small donations. Please speak to someone in the office if you require items of uniform.