Bugbrooke Community Primary School

Our Curriculum

'The school has designed and implemented a purposeful and relevant curriculum that links various subjects together and creates purposeful learning' OFSTED 2019. 

Our aim is to provide a broad, balanced and engaging curriculum that will ensure that children develop not only the skills and knowledge that they need for their future lives, but also an enthusiasm for life-long learning. It is for this reason that we are continually reviewing our curriculum; we are adapting and shaping it to reflect the needs of our learners today - and will continue to shape and adapt as they do!  With this in mind our curriculum is based on the following key drivers; Diversity, Sustainability and Being the Best You Can Be! 



Our expectations for children's achievement are high; we want them all to achieve well in the core areas of reading, writing, maths and our curriculum is designed to underpin this. However, we also want them to apply these skills in real life situations which reflect their place in the wider world.   We believe passionately that one of our most important jobs is to prepare our children to take their place as future citizens in the wider world, citizens who must learn to live in a constantly changing, global community.   

We work hard to help our children develop a sense of self-responsibility, a caring attitude to the environment and to others regardless of race, creed, sex or social class. We plan learning tasks which help them to see their place in the local community and provide opportunities within the curriculum for them to develop their appreciation of our village environment. 

Teachers spend a considerable amount of time planning teaching to meet children’s needs. We help them develop a good awareness of the local environment and the wider world, so that they respect and value their place in it. 

EYFS Curriculum

At Bugbrooke Community Primary School in the EYFS we aim to provide an exciting, engaging curriculum that enables children to explore their learning in a
variety of ways. Children will develop the skills to enable them to be independent learners, unafraid to take risks and persevere with tasks they find challenging.
We believe that play is a crucial tool to facilitate this learning and provision is planned to reflect the learning needs and interests of each individual cohort.


EYFS Progression Document


Subject Coverage 


At Bugbrooke Community Primary School, we have carefully chosen topics and units of work to both support the teaching of the National Curriculum and our School Drivers and Values. For some subjects, we have chosen schemes of work that we feel match our aims, but have adapted these to ensure they are fit for our pupils. In History and Geography we have created our own bespoke curriculum that is progressive, fit for purpose and inspiring to all. 



The following are links to the the Statutory Framework for the early years foundation stage and New National Curriculum for English and Maths for Key Stage 1 and 2.

Framework for Early Years Foundation Stage (Reception)

Key Stage 1 & 2 (Years 1 - 6) National Curriculum for English

Key Stage 1 & 2 (Years 1 - 6) National Curriculum for Maths

Subject Intent Statements


At Bugbrooke Community Primary School, we believe that literacy and communication are life skills. We aim to provide an interesting and engaging English curriculum that is underpinned by the belief that developing children’s language is crucial to their success across the curriculum and for life-long learning. At Bugbrooke, we want children to enjoy and appreciate literature for all its rich variety. Teachers should develop pupils’ spoken language, reading, writing and vocabulary as integral aspects of the teaching of every subject. English is both a subject in its own right and the medium for teaching. Through understanding the language, pupils can access the whole curriculum. Fluency in the English language is an essential foundation for success in all subjects. (National Curriculum)

Reading is at the heart of our curriculum. As children’s reading develops at different rates, teaching is tailored to each child and their ability. Children will have opportunities to read in the classroom, either in shared reading, one to one reading or guided reading groups. Children are encouraged to read a range of books in school and at home.

In EYFS and KS1, we use Read, Write Inc phonics scheme that underpins the teaching of phonics. This encourages children to link sounds and letters and begin to read and write in Reception and developing the children’s phonological knowledge and fluency to develop their skills throughout Key Stage One. Children are expected to apply their phonics skills in all areas of the curriculum. Phonics planning allows children to gain a progressively deeper understanding of the phonetic structure of the English language. This is achieved through regular assessments and grouping to reflect the children’s needs. This will enable them to become independent, confident readers who are able to access a language rich environment.

We want our children to develop into skilful and imaginative writers across the curriculum. Writing is organised around a clear learning sequence where children study and engage with a high-quality model text, and practice the grammar skills necessary for the genre, before progressing into extended writing and editing. Writing forms a significant part of all subjects across the curriculum and is an opportunity for children to express themselves and communicate with others effectively.


At Bugbrooke Community Primary School, children learn about the application of Maths across the curriculum, helping them to build skills needed for every-day life. Teachers help children to develop a range of strategies to ensure that all children are able to achieve. Children are encouraged, throughout their time at Bugbrooke, to be the best that they can be in all Maths lessons with achievements in all areas of maths being celebrated. Throughout lessons, children are encouraged to expand on their reasoning and problem solving, moving deeper with their understanding of the key concepts. They are encouraged to challenge themselves with their learning in Maths and set ambitious goals for the future.


Throughout the Science curriculum at Bugbrooke Community Primary School, children become curious scientists, learning their science through practical methods. They learn about the importance of respecting the world around them and the importance of this. Children are conscious of the importance of sustainability and ways in which this impacts on our planet - they are aware of the legacy they leave behind. Children will look at the ways in which Science can have a positive impact on the world and strive to achieve change.


At Bugbrooke Community Primary School we believe in providing an approach to PSHE that enables children to understand their ability to learn, develop resilience and gain an understanding of their personal mental health and well being. We follow the Jigsaw approach to PSHE as we believe in devoting structured time to developing these skills, and building upon these, each school year. We believe that we provide opportunities for children to develop the skills to make positive contributions to their community and consider what contributions they make as global citizens.



At Bugbrooke School, we intend to provide an ambitious, exciting and progressing curriculum which develops children as geographers and widens their understanding of themselves and the world around them. The key themes that run through our curriculum and are built on each year from EYFS to Year 6 are: sustainability, oceans and waterways, climate and knowledge of places, people and human and physical processes.


At Bugbrooke Primary, we aim to deliver a history curriculum that is accessible to all and that will maximise the outcomes for every child. Our teaching of history will focus on chronology, leaders, beliefs, trade and legacy. We will build on specific knowledge from EYFS through to Year 6 to ensure progression in the understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. 


Through being exposed to and participating in a range of activities, children will begin to grow a love of physical activity and learn how the body changes through being active. Within their learning, they will develop their agility, balance and coordination and will learn to communicate and collaborate with others to achieve goals and solve problems throughout the lessons. They will have an understanding and empathy of the challenges people face when playing sport/partaking in physical activity. Not just through physical disability but by also understanding variants of natural ability.


At Bugbrooke Community Primary school we want all of our pupils to be safe online, inspired online and confident online.

Computing is an integral part of our everyday life and will continue to be an important part of our pupils’ futures. At Bugbrooke we will provide our pupils with the skills, creativity and enthusiasm to live and thrive in a world increasingly dependent on information technology. As information technology underpins today’s modern lifestyle it is essential that our pupils gain the confidence, resilience and knowledge that they need in Computing in order for them to face the challenges of a rapidly developing and changing technological landscape.

We use Teach Computing scheme of work to enable our children to experience a wide breadth of computing experiences, these include programming and coding, online safety, using technology safely, music and composing, photography, animation and many other practical applications of technology to support their learning from research to presenting their work.

A high-quality computing education will equip our pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing has links with mathematics, science, design and technology, and provides insights in to both natural and artificial systems.


Art and Design

At Bugbrooke, we believe that all children are artists. Through a carefully developed curriculum that explores drawing, colour, surface and sculpture, our aim is that all children can develop their skills through practical and reflective lessons, exposing them to the wider world of rich, diverse and modern techniques and artists. Our vision is to make Art and Design accessible for all, foster a love of creating and to equip pupils with the skills necessary to express themselves through their work.


Design Technology

The Design and technology scheme of work aims to inspire pupils to be innovative and creative thinkers who have an appreciation for the product design cycle through ideation, creation, and evaluation. We want pupils to develop the confidence to take risks, through drafting design concepts, modelling, and testing and to be reflective learners who evaluate their work and the work of others. Through our scheme of work, we aim to build an awareness of the impact of design and technology on our lives and encourage pupils to become resourceful, enterprising citizens who will have the skills to contribute to future design advancements. Our Design and technology scheme of work enables pupils to meet the end of key stage attainment targets in the National curriculum and the aims also align with those in the National curriculum. EYFS (Reception) units provide opportunities for pupils’ to work towards the Development matters statements and the Early Learning Goals.



At Bugbrooke, our vision is to provide all of our pupils with a rich, varied and comprehensive music curriculum that ensures every child fulfils their music potential. We provide an enjoyable and practical music curriculum that enables all children to express themselves through song and the ability to develop skills that will stay with them for life. Through our weekly lessons, regular concerts and productions alongside optional instrument lessons, pupils will be given the chance to celebrate their talents and develop a deeper understanding and passion for music from the past and present as well as musical sounds from around the world.


We have designed our R.E. curriculum with the intent that our children will become resilient, accepting, mindful and inquisitive learners. Our R.E. curriculum allows children to discover and gain an insight into religions within the world that we live. We see the teaching of R.E. is vital for children to understand others beliefs and make connections between their own values. It is our role to ensure pupils are being inquisitive by asking questions about the world around them by allowing pupils to gain high quality experiences.  


Our vision for MFL is to encourage a curiosity of language, develop our pupils’ knowledge of other cultures and lay a solid foundation for future language learning. At Bugbrooke, we aim to deliver a high quality, largely practical curriculum of language learning that will equip our pupils with a deeper understanding of the wider world alongside an ability to communicate in another language, fostering lifelong skills for further education, employment and leisure in this country and throughout the world.

To find out more about our Curriculum, please speak to your child's class teacher or speak to a member of staff in the office, who can direct your questions to the right member of staff. 

Curriculum Overviews

 Reading Spine.pdfDownload
 Design Technology.pdfDownload
 Art and Design.pdfDownload
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Barham Church of England Primary School


My Maths is used for children to develop and practice skills that they have learnt at school, whilst at home. Weekly tasks will be set on My Maths for the children to complete. 


Calculation Guide

This guide supports parents and carers to see the different methods that are used to carry out the four operations in school. 

Phonics and Reading Schemes


In Reception the children begin their phonics journey with us, using Read Write Inc. This approach continue to be used as the children make their way up through the school. 

Our pupils are offered a range of reading books to support them as they start to enjoy reading independently and these are aligned to their phonics stage. As they develop their reading skills, the children use an Online tool called Accelerated Reader to carry out quizzes based on their books and work towards reading more challenging texts. 

To hear the pronunciation of the pure sounds, please visit this link to watch a short video. 

Children, parents and staff at school record their reading journey using 'Go Read'. 



At Bugbrooke, we use Kinetic Letters as a scheme for teaching the formation and joining of letters.